Monday, February 16, 2009

not me! Monday

I wanted to do another Not Me! Monday post. (To read hundreds of other Not Me! Mondays, head over to Mckmama at My Charming Kids, who created this blog carnival originally. Hers are hilarious and involve many more pictures of cute kids than mine do!)

But today is Staff Day at the library, and this is all I could come up with.

I did NOT eat hundreds of calories' worth of snacks today in an effort to stay focused while being seated for much much longer than my job normally requires.

My mind did NOT wander during the presentations.

Nope, that's NOT that exciting. So I thought I'd give you the rundown on last Friday.

I did NOT leave my warm home and sweet husband in the late afternoon just to go out to my step aerobics class.

It was NOT snowing harder than it had in a long time.

Before I left, I did NOT subtly suggest that perhaps someone could shovel the driveway and scrape the car. Alex did NOT promptly proceed to do these things.

While I was gone, he did NOT start dinner and do the laundry.

While I was driving in, I did NOT almost skid out in my car. I did NOT think, Why in the world am I doing this??

While at aerobics class, I did NOT fall over. It was NOT during the easiest move of the night--shuffle side to side.

After returning home and finishing up supper in the same pan I had previously made grilled cheese and toasted nuts (separately) in, I did NOT drop Alex's entire portion of eggs 'n' noodles on the floor.

He did NOT pick it up and eat it. (I did NOT wash the floor that morning.)

After dinner, I did NOT find a container of homemade Chex mix that's leftover from Christmas. Yuck.

I am NOT still postponing proofreading Alex's paper. Nope, not me! :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing. I laughed. You make my day...often.