Sunday, May 31, 2009

three more years

All of the yard signs, radio commercials, and ringing doorbells paid off this weekend as I was voted back on to the council of elders at Cornerstone this weekend. Actually one of the things I really like about Cornerstone is how unlike the normal policial process our leadership selection is. There are some churches where "name recognition" is actually one of the best predictors of who will end up serving in leadership. At Cornerstone people are asked to serve as elders based on evidence of fruitful and faithful service in other capacities in the church and in meeting the Biblical qualifications for being an elder. In politics you get more responsibility by relentless self-promotion. In the church, it ought to come from humble service. Whenever I think about that I end up feeling challenged. Academia is a lot like politics in terms of the culture of self-promotion and I think pride is one of the sins I struggle with most. When I think about how Jesus, king of the universe, washed feet and spent his time with tax collectors and fisherman I realize how far I have to go to have the same kind of humble, servant love that Jesus had.

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