Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Homemade syrup--easier than you think

This is so much cheaper and better for you than store-bought, and really not much trouble at all. I’ve eaten this all my life and love it so much I can’t stand the thick, corn-syrupy stuff from the store. And my husband, who grew up on that, likes this as well. If you eat a lot of syrup, you can double the recipe. Use a bigger pan, and it will just fit into a container of the size shown.
from the More with Less Cookbook
About 3 cups
15 minutes

1 ¾ c white sugar
¼ c brown sugar
1 c water
½ t vanilla
½ t maple flavoring
1. Combine sugars and water in small saucepan. Bring to boil.
2. Cover pan and cook for one minute.
3. Cool slightly.
4. Add vanilla and maple. Cover saucepan for a few minutes.


Mark said...

Do you own the More-with-Less cookbook? Do you think it's worth buying?

Anastasia said...

Yes, I own it. My mom cooked out of it more than any other cookbook while we were growing up, and in the last few years my brother, my sister, and I have all gotten our own copy. It's based on "scratch" cooking and seeking to stretch meat by using other sources of protein in order to save money and save environmental degradation. It is totally worth owning if you like practical cookbooks with real ingredients (no canned soups or bright colored photos here). I believe it's available at Worldly Goods.

Jon said...

If you use potato water instead of regular water, you get a syrup with more body but without the corn syrup sickly-sweetness.

Anonymous said...

Do you store this in the frig or pantry?

Anastasia said...

I've done a little research on syrup storage and it seems you can store it either in the fridge or in the pantry. We used to keep ours in the cupboard, but then we got ants and we realized we had more room in the fridge anyway, so that's where it is.