Sunday, April 27, 2008

Living Water

Anastasia and I recently inherited the family cat, Cleo. He was formerly owned by Anastasia's sister and then by her parents. The most amusing thing for me in watching the cat adapt to our house has been the fountain. Anastasia got this fountain that sits on our floor several years ago. Cleo thinks it is the best thing, ever. He rarely drinks from the water bowl set out for him in the basement where he is generally confined at night. He will be complaining in the morning to get out so he can get a drink out of the water from the fountian, even if the fountain isn't turned on. I don't know if Betty Ford has a wing for cats with water addictions.


Unknown said...

It makes me happy to see Cleo so happy! I can imagine he thinks the fountain is just for him, to make up for all those years he meowed by the shower so we would make it drip for him.

Anna said...

My cat thinks that every faucet in the house should turn on at her whim. She gets fresh water dripping from the shower fairly often! I can just imagine how she would adore a fountain of her very own. ;) I wonder if it is instinct that they have concerning fresh running water being safer to drink than standing water?