Thursday, January 29, 2009

Food reviews

I wanted to share a few more supermarket items that I've found to be quite tasty. I share these because I find so much of the boxed/canned/frozen items to be unpleasant to taste, as well as nutritionally deficient. And yet their siren song calls to me--I'm easy! I'm quick! I will solve your dinner woes!

Well, these items won't completely solve your dinner woes, but they may handily fill a niche for you sometimes as they do for me.

These are the chicken strips made by Fareway's happy meat men. Have I mentioned how much I love shopping at Fareway? So efficient, so cheap, with such helpful people who bring your food right to your trunk....

Anyway, these are very tasty and I'm sure they have fewer preservatives and fillers than the ones you buy in the bags. They're available in the frozen food endcap, and you just heat them at 350 until they're warm (about 15 min, I think).

These are some of the new handy frozen veggie mixes that are available in bags and pouches that steam right in the microwave. I am a big fan of these--fewer dishes! Also, these are easier to find in my freezer than a balled-up tiny portion of a bag of peas that might not see the light of day for many moons. I've decided I'm willing to pay for these conveniences, and I also think that "brand name" veggies taste better than store brand. For example, I had given up buying the "carrots/peas/corn/beans" mix, but gave the Green Giant brand a try last week. It was quite nice. My last comment on frozen veggies (other than to say any of them are easier than fresh and often have more vitamins left in them) is to say these particular boxes shown are so hearty that they are almost a meal. The legumes in them add protein, so I will take these to work and eat up with a muffin, yogurt and fruit. Yum!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I haven't liked all of the steam in the bag ones, but I haven't tried the green giant ones. Maybe that is part of the problem? I just think that they taste better cooked on my stove top. :( Maybe these ones will work better for me. Here is hoping!