Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Ok here is is. Anastasia and I like watching movies and TV. You work really hard to cultivate an image of people who just read books all the time, you only have a 13 inch TV in the basement, and then you sit down and ask yourself what your wife likes to do to relax and how you have been spending date nights and the moment of self-realization hits. In my case it is not exactly a new revelation. Put me in a room with a TV and I will tend to look at it. I watched a LOT of TV growing up, and still have a good recall of sitcom plots from the 1980's and the world of sports from about 1984-1999. 1999 would be when I moved to Ames and decided to ditch the TV to break the addiction. I think that over the past 10 years God has helped "heal the relationship" so to speak so that I can watch it some without it being what I think about or orient my life around. I really should count myself blessed that my wife's way of relaxing is something that comes naturally to me as well.


Unknown said...

We are glad to know that you share some of our forms of relaxation. Currently, we are enjoying netflix. We watched Pride and Prejudice the other night. I am embarrassed to admit that I have never read it. Truly, I am an English Major reject. But, I am planning on reading it now. See, there is good in tv/movies on occasion. :)

Julie said...

Your confession is accepted. Now, knowing that you both enjoy it, and it can be God's gift to you at times...get a bigger TV!