Friday, July 4, 2008

Alien life forms in our backyard

Well, not really, but it did take us a while to figure out what had happened here. We have a green plastic rectangular planter in our backyard, and I plant lettuce or herbs or whatever in it. This year the lettuce drowned, so it was just sitting there with a few weeds in it. Until one day last week I looked out and this is what I saw. Apparently we had so much rain for so long that finally the soil got so heavy that the styrofoam peanuts I had put in the bottom for drainage floated up to the top and the soil fell to the bottom. The styrofoam is actually floating on water. The weird thing is that it took so long to happen--the worst of the flooding was weeks ago--and then all of a sudden overnight the soil and peanuts switch spots. At least my hydrangeas are happy about the rain, even if it's ruining all my containers.
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Unknown said...

My guess was that some kids experimented with not taking out the garbage and were using it in people's gardens.

Anna said...

I had to laugh when I saw the explanation on this! So funny...